One More Question

Yes, design can accelerate change in the world | Simon Dixon, DixonBaxi

Episode Summary

Simon Dixon shares how DixonBaxi creates work that resonates. He weighs in on whether design can change the world, and warns against following tech trends instead of understanding why you're doing something, making it meaningful, and then thinking about how technology can help you achieve it.

Episode Notes

In Episode #71, Ross is joined by Simon Dixon, co-founder of DixonBaxi.

Simon has explored where creativity, design, and tech overlap for more than two and a half decades. His company, DixonBaxi, works with iconic companies across sports, entertainment, media, new economy, technology, and beyond. 'Be Brave' is their defining spirit. 

Simon Dixon shares how DixonBaxi creates work that resonates. He weighs in on whether design can change the world, and warns against following tech trends instead of your WHY.

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